Thursday, 18 March 2010

Improving TV reception 101 Guide

There are few ways you can improve your television reception.
  • To ensure that you have minimal loss try using higher grade coxial cable. Satellite cable has less signal lost and changing your standard coxial cable to satellite cable will help give you a better reception. Though satellite cable is around £1.50 a meter compared to the 50p a meter of standard coxial.
  • Using an aerial signal meter, this will help ensure that you have your outdoor aerial pointing in the best direction possible. The meter needle will go to the right if you get it to the strongest direction. They typically cost around £20.
  • Using a booster - there is a myth that boosters will improve your reception even if you are in a poor signal area. With a digital signal you will need to get a reasonable signal before you start boosting the signal . If you have reception that needs stabilsing then a booster should keep away those slight loss of signal.

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